Best Buy Redesigns Logo, Focuses on Blue Shirt Campaign

Best Buy logo
Richfield-based consumer electronics company Best Buy gets its logo redesigned for a marketing refresh that will mainly focus on its Blue Shirt campaign.

“The updated logo is true to our heritage, but it’s really cleaned up,” chief marketing officer Whit Alexander explain in the blog. “It’s an evolution toward the future, and we’re really excited about that.”

Best Buy’s 2020 strategy is to help improve customers’ lives through technology. The company promised investors and customers they would turn it around, and successfully did, through customer service.

Whit added, “We feel our biggest advantage is our people. We wanted to find tools and a platform to talk about our people more loudly.”

“We have a great story to tell. The core of what differentiates Best Buy vs. everyone else — and makes us awesome for customers — is that we understand your unique needs and how tech can enhance your life.”

A company spokesperson said they would continue to focus on the person-to-person interaction. It plans to keep training employees to understand every customer’s needs.

“Let’s talk about what’s possible,” the company’s new motto retires its previous maxim “Expert Service. Unbeatable Price.”

The ads will help launch Best Buy’s new marketing campaign featuring updated colors, photography and conversational language. The new logo already appears on the company’s website, and its main debut on television commercials and digital videos will be shown on May 13.

New Look

Dave Brennan, a marketing professor at the University of St. Thomas commented on Best Buy’s logo redesign, “Refreshing their logo makes a lot of sense, especially after roughly three decades of having the same one. The timing is also very good because they’ve weathered the storm of the Great Recession and the most recent one of Amazon.”

Best Buy’s legendary logo dates back to the 1980s, the time when the company was transitioning from Sound of Music stores to a national big-box retailer focused on electronics and competitive prices.

That yellow price tag continues to have meaning and is part of the chain’s identity, Alexander said.

“We’re proud of that history, but we also wanted to modernize it without walking away totally,” he added. “We still care about things like price, but that’s not the totality of our story.”

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Best Buy Redesigns Logo, Focuses on Blue Shirt Campaign Best Buy Redesigns Logo, Focuses on Blue Shirt Campaign Reviewed by HQBroker on May 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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